Behind the Handlebars: Q&A with Jeremiah Bishop

Behind the Handlebars: Q&A with Jeremiah Bishop

Jeremiah Bishop, a name synonymous with the world of cycling, has not only made an indelible mark in the world of competitive cycling but has also ventured into the realm of content creation. In this blog post, we sit down with Jeremiah to gain insight into his journey as a cyclist, content creator, and his philosophy on life and cycling.

 The Beginnings of a Passion

Q: How did you first develop your passion for cycling, and what inspired you to share it with others as a content creator?

Jeremiah: I first fell in love with cycling as a kid! I got to ride a friend's mountain bike, and I was hooked on the endless possibilities. Now that I am older, I realize how some of these adventures inspire others, so I've started to create some content videos and reels as well as documentaries so other people can catch the bug to ride.


The Enriching Aspects of Cycling

Q: What is your favorite aspect of cycling, and how does it enrich your life both physically and mentally?

Jeremiah: It's really multifaceted. I enjoy the therapy of time in nature, the constant quest to improve myself, and the fun of exploring new places.


Unforgettable Adventures

Q: Can you share a memorable cycling experience or adventure that has left a lasting impact on you?

Jeremiah: Yeah, I was asked to join Chris Eatough for Transalp in 2002. I was stunned with the magic of the Alps and the level of importance cycling has in Europe. It was the first of many international trips.


Tackling the Impossible

Q: What has been the most memorable Impossible Route for you?

Jeremiah: I would say Death Valley. We had a really monster route; no one had ridden off-road the entire length of Death Valley in the Mojave desert in seven days. I was dreading it beforehand, and it turned out to be a kaleidoscope of beautiful sand and red rocks, black lava canyons, and snowcapped peaks. It was an amazing experience with some great people!


Life Beyond Cycling

Q: What are some of your other hobbies and interests?

Jeremiah: Hanging with my kids, watching my daughter ride bikes and horses, lifting weights with my son, and family fishing/camping with Erin and Woody, our new puppy.


Balancing Act

Q: How do you balance your love for cycling with other aspects of your life, such as work, family, and personal interests?

Jeremiah: I like to try to make sure I am present when I am home so if my kids want to go bowling or get ice cream, I put work on hold. When I am on the road, we talk a lot on FaceTime about the places I am visiting.


Advice for Beginners

Q: Can you share any valuable tips or advice for beginner cyclists who want to get started on their cycling journey?

Jeremiah: Don’t fall into the hype of having to have the $10,000 bike and $300 shorts. It's anyone's sport that wants to feel the wind in their face. So, just do your thing and explore new places every week!


Partnering with Tifosi Optics

Q: What made you want to partner with Tifosi Optics?

Jeremiah: It's really a philosophy that has me partner with brands. If a company culture has passion, then that's who I am working with! Tifosi is a company that has the best value and best-looking eyewear. They do a lot to get behind our mission to inspire others, so it was an easy choice.


The Birth of 'The Impossible Route'

Q: How did you and Tyler meet and begin The Impossible Route?

Jeremiah: I had been looking to do an expedition documentary about the world's biggest hill climb. In my research, I found out there was an even harder gravel route up Mauna Kea (the Impossible Route), so I needed someone to document it. I thought my friend Tyler has this great YouTube channel, and the rest is history. We went, we knocked it out, and the adventure was very addictive.


Go-to Gear

Q: Can you share some of your favorite cycling gear or equipment that you swear by?

Jeremiah: I really love the Canyon Bikes we ride; they make a top-shelf bike in every category. Some brands are only good at mountain bikes, but Canyon has the best all-around for everything from gravel to fat bikes. Orange Seal is the best sealant by far and has saved me on some impossible routes and races. I also really dig Ergon’s products because I ride every day, and their grips and saddles are the most comfortable I have ever used. The tires we have with IRC are amazing and they really are a huge part of the ride feel.


Long-Term Goals

Q: What are your long-term goals, and where do you see yourself making the most significant impact?

Jeremiah: Inspiring others to get out, get in shape, and leave that car behind for a few trips. I see cycling as a solution to a lot of the world's problems. We just need to ride more and preserve more natural places that folks can enjoy. This is good for the environment too. It's really simple. People and the earth are supposed to coexist.


Building a Community

Q: How do you connect with fellow cycling enthusiasts and build a sense of community through your content?

Jeremiah: I answer a lot of the comments on the videos, I run the Impossible Route Strava club and Patreon where you will see behind-the-scenes blogs and content. We really like the messages, and in turn, it has us pumped to tell more stories. We even host Strava challenges; our last three had 200,000 people join!


Favorite Content to Create

Q: What is your favorite content to post and why?

Jeremiah: I think the most fun are the YouTube videos because they have a longer story, and you can sit and see some of my perspective on details of the sport and why it's so challenging but addictive!


Final Thoughts

Q: Anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Jeremiah: Thanks for following; it's really cool that people like to come along for these adventures! Make sure to check out for more info and join our Strava club. You can also follow me on Instagram at @jeremiahbishoprides, and check out my stories on my YouTube channel.


Jeremiah Bishop's journey from a childhood passion for cycling to becoming an influential content creator has been nothing short of inspiring. His dedication to preserving nature, inspiring others to ride, and building a vibrant cycling community is not only good for the soul but also for the environment. As he aptly puts it, "People and the earth are supposed to coexist”.